As a student of Information Science with a focus in Human-Centered Technologies, I have been working on various projects that showcase my skills in UI/UX design. My experience showcases my latest work that includes designs for websites, mobile applications, and more.
Michigan State University
Master of Science in User Experience
Michigan State UniversityI am currently studying Information Science focus area field of Human-Centered Technology. With my degree, I hope to pursue a career in UI/UX Design. I am very passionate to be a Spartan, and very thankful for all the opportunities MSU has provided to me!
Michigan State University
Information Science HCT BA December 2024
Michigan State UniversityI am currently studying Information Science focus area field of Human-Centered Technology. With my degree, I hope to pursue a career in UI/UX Design. I am very passionate to be a Spartan, and very thankful for all the opportunities MSU has provided to me.
Jackson College
Associates in Arts May 2022
Jackson CollegeI was able to take courses at Jackson College through dual enrollment at Jackson High School. Following high school, I spent 1.5 years obtaining my Associates degree in Arts to help prepare me to attend Michigan State University.